Tajpej, Tajwan – 10 lipca 2012 r. − Synology® przedstawiło wersję beta systemu operacyjnego DiskStation Manager (DSM) 4.1. Odpowiedzialne za sterowanie pracą serwerów DiskStation oraz RackStation oprogramowanie:


  • oferuje wiodące i niezawodne rozwiązania pamięci masowej dla systemów wirtualnych
  • dzięki stale rozwijanym funkcjom, jak Cloud Station, Syslog Server and Mail Server, zwiększa wydajność procesów biznesowych oraz efektywność zarządzania
  • udostępnia wydajną alokację zasobów oraz efektywne rozwiązania do współdzielenia danych, odpowiadające wymaganiom dużych przedsiębiorstw
  • gwarantuje doskonałe możliwości multimedialne, realizowane przez nową aplikację Video Station, rozbudowaną Photo Station, Audio Station oraz zestawem programów na urządzenia mobilne
  • zwiększa – za pośrednictwem aplikacji Surveillance Station 6 − inteligencję działania systemu do nadzoru wideo

− DSM 4.1 sprawia, że możliwości DiskStation oraz RackStation przekraczają powszechnie przyjęte wyobrażenia. Nowy system to dowód, że Synology nieustannie dąży do podwyższania standardów w zakresie najlepszych, biznesowych rozwiązań i możliwości multimedialnych – powiedział Vic Hsu, Prezes Synology Inc.

Obok wprowadzonego po raz pierwszy wsparcia dla technologii VMware vStorage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI), DSM 4.1 odciąża pracę hypervisora, realizując na DiskStation lub RackStation szereg operacji na plikach, w tym takie działania, jak Full Copy, Zero Block, Atomic Test & Set (ATS) oraz Storage Reclamation. W efekcie rośnie wydajność i optymalizuje się wykorzystanie przestrzeni dyskowej w środowisku vSphere 5.0.

DSM 4.1 wprowadza inteligentne rozwiązania, które w przypadku firm i użytkowników biznesowych pozwalają uzyskiwać większą produktywność. Cloud Station wspiera teraz dwa współdzielone foldery, z których można pobierać zsynchronizowane pliki za pośrednictwem urządzeń mobilnych. Udostępnia także kodowaną transmisję, protokół HTTPS oraz ustawienia serwera proxy. Większą funkcjonalność oferuje także aplikacja Syslog Serwer, która daje natychmiastowy wgląd w zdarzenia systemowe, umożliwia definiowanie zasad powiadamiania na podstawie słów kluczowych oraz pozwala konfigurować zasady archiwizacji wpisów. W nowej wersji, Mail Server staje się kompletnym narzędziem wspierającym protokół SMTP i aliasy pocztowe, obsługującym wiele domen, posiadającym filtr spamu, funkcję automatycznej odpowiedzi oraz prowadzonego w czasie rzeczywistym monitoringu objętości poczty i dostępnej przepustowości łącza.

DSM 4.1 oddaje także do dyspozycji rozbudowane rozwiązania do współdzielenia zasobów. Traffic Control oraz Speed Limit to narzędzia umożliwiające nadawanie priorytetów, rezerwowanie lub ograniczanie przepustowości łącza, definiowanej niezależnie dla różnych aplikacji, użytkowników lub grup. Resources Monitor oferuje bieżący oraz archiwalny raport na temat wykonywanych przez dysk operacji (IOPS) oraz prędkości transferu. Poprzez obsługę SFTP, FXP oraz ustawień dostępu do Internetu poprzez serwer proxy, współdzielenie plików staje się bardziej efektywne, a zarazem bezpieczne, spełniając tym samym wymagające standardy obowiązujące w przedsiębiorstwach. Co więcej, współdzielone foldery z wielu serwerów DiskStation i RackStation mogą być synchronizowane w jednym, wspólnym miejscu.

DSM 4.1 to także wspaniałe możliwości multimedialne. Zupełnie nowa aplikacja Video Station wita użytkowników plakatami filmowymi oraz szczegółowymi informacjami pobranymi automatycznie z Internetu. Za pośrednictwem modułu TV Recorder można oglądać programy telewizyjne oraz programować ich nagrywanie. Mobilna aplikacja DS video pozwala zarządzań zaprogramowanymi audycjami i oglądać wideo na urządzeniach z systemem iOS. Co więcej, Photo Station wprowadza oś timeline, na którym chronologicznie prezentuje albumy użytkownika, „przypięte” dodatkowo do map Google. Dane o lokalizacji, znaczniki (tagi) oraz automatyczne rozpoznawanie twarzy pomagają zarządzać posiadanymi zbiorami fotografii. Aplikacja Audio Station udostępnia teksty piosenek i pozwala użytkownikom na przechowywanie własnych zbiorów na indywidualnych kontach. Za pośrednictwem urządzeń z systemem iOS − w przypadku braku dostępu do Internetu – można korzystać z plików muzycznych przechowywanych w pamięci podręcznej. Aplikacje DS audio oraz DS photo+ dostępne są także na telefony z systemem Windows Phone. Nowa DS download sprawdzi się natomiast podczas zarządzania pobieranymi plikami.

Surveillance Station 6 posiada odświeżony interfejs zwiększający komfort nawigacji. Cztery suwaki odpowiadają za łatwe odtwarzanie zarejestrowanych nagrań z różnych kanałów i odnajdywanie zdarzeń alarmowych. Różne funkcje śledzenia obiektu, w tym narzędzia Tally Counter, Virtual Fence oraz No-idle Zone, pomagają w uzyskiwaniu informacji o obecności intruza. Interfejs Web API ułatwia deweloperom integrację Surveillance Station z własnymi aplikacjami.

Pełna lista zmian:

  1. VMware vSphere 5.0 VAAI Support:
    • VAAI is now supported on DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs & RS3411RPxs, DS3611xs to provide intelligent storage server operation and optimize the performance and efficiencies in virtualization deployment.
    • Full Copy is supported to enable the storage array to make full copies of data within the array to improve data cloning performance.
    • Block Zero is supported to enable the Synology NAS to zero out large numbers of blocks to improve virtual disk initialization performance.
    • Thin Provisioning is supported to allow for the reclamation of unused space and monitoring space usage of Thin Provisioned LUNs.
  2. Cloud Station (Available in Package Center):
    • Shared folder can now be synchronized to different Cloud Station users on Windows PC or Mac Client. The maximum number of shared folder can be synced on Cloud Station is 2.
    • Data transmission is now encrypted by SSL to provide a layer of security over the Internet.
    • HTTPS tunneling is supported to sync data via HTTPS Tunnel with QuickConnect.
    • Proxy is now supported to establish connection to your Cloud Station server though your local proxy server.
    • Cloud Station package is not available on DS108j, DS109j and DS209j.
  3. Firewall with Traffic Control:
    • The Traffic Control allows you to reserve, limit, or prioritize the bandwidth usage for difference services to help you manage your bandwidth resource effectively.
    • The maximum bandwidth for each network port or port range can be set up within the built-in Firewall.
    • Traffic Control is not available on DS109j and DS209j.
  4. Speed Limit:
    • In FTP, File Station and WebDAV settings, you can set the bandwidth for selected users, groups, to limit speed of a single user, or the total bandwidth usage for a group.
    • Speed limit is supported on domain users and groups including LDAP domain or Windows AD.
    • The file transfer sessions with speed limit can be viewed in System Information.
  5. FTP Server:
    • SFTP server is supported to meet the enterprise security standard.
    • SFTP server port number can be either specified or the same port as SSH.
    • FXP is supported, enabling users to exchange files between two FTP servers directly.
  6. Windows File Service Update (not available on DS109j or DS209j):
    • Samba is now upgraded to 3.6 with the version of SMB protocol SMB1.
    • The authentication security is enhanced with NTLMv2 and updated Kerberos v5 support.
  7. Recycle Bin on all file protocols:
    • Recycle Bin now works in Windows File Sharing (CIFS), File Station, FTP, AFP and WebDAV. In case that you have accidently removed important files on Synology NAS, you can still simply retrieve the files back from recycle bin.
    • Recycle Bin can now be enabled or disabled on different shared folders.
  8. QuickConnect – File Sharing:
    • Users can now share any file links with the domain of GoFile.me without configuring port forwarding on the router.
  9. Syslog Server (Available in Package Center):
    • Real-time overview allows you to observe and track the trends of log activities within a specific time frame.
    • Various log archiving policy is now supported, including archiving logs by specified time, number of logs, the data size, and different hosts.
    • Log archives to TXT file is supported for further analysis.
    • Notification service informs you of critical events such as massive logs come in a sudden, or logs with specified keywords are received.
  10. Mail Server (Available in Package Center):
    • Mail Server is removed from DSM and available as an add-on package in Package Center.
    • Real-time overview allows you to observe and track the trends of email activities or data bandwidth within a specific time frame.
    • Multiple domains support is added to receive mails from multiple workgroups and domains.
    • SMTP relay is supported to send out emails by a dedicated SMTP Relay server.
    • Mail activity log is available to record mail traffics.
    • Email alias is supported for flexible mail group policy to fit your business practices.
    • DNS-based Blackhole List is now added to the spam filter for blocking suspicious mails from the existing DNS blocked list.
    • Auto-Forwarding and Auto-Reply is now available to help you set up vacation responder.
    • Mail Server requires DSM 4.1.
  11. Mail Station (Available in Package Center): the package is updated to be compatible with DSM 4.1.
  12. Shared Folder Sync:
    • Shared Folder Sync now supports synchronization from multiple Synology NAS to the same destination. This is supported only when DSM 4.1 is running on both source and destination servers.
  13. Resource Monitor:
    • The new Resource Monitor app enables you to monitor the CPU, physical memory, disks and network utilization of your Synology NAS.
    • View the swap in/out rate as well as IOPS, transfer rate, and the average loading of each disk.
    • Resource monitor log is now available to display the real time, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year of all analyzed reports with historical data.
    • View all the current running and idling processes on your Synology NAS.
  14. Connection via Proxy Server:
    • Synology NAS can now connect to the Internet via a proxy server in your LAN. You can update DSM or packages directly in the web interface more easily.
    • HTTP/HTTPS proxy server and authentication are supported.
  15. System Log:
    • The System Log consolidates all logs in DSM.
    • Spot important events including error or warning with just a few clicks.
  16. Linux Kernel Upgrade:
    • The Linux kernel has been updated to 3.2.11 on the following models: DS712+, DS1512+, DS1812+, DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, DS412+, RS812+, RS812RP+, RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, DS3611xs, DS2411+, DS1511+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS810+, RS810RP+, DS1010+ and DS710+.
  17. SNMP v3:
    • SNMP v3 is now supported for you to monitor Synology NAS with enhanced security.
  18. Netatalk is updated to 2.2.3.
  19. PHP module is updated to 5.3.13.
  20. Openssl has been updated to 1.0.1c.
  21. Surveillance Station 6 (Available in Package Center):
    • Brand new user interface cooperating with innovated user experience design allows you to navigate Surveillance Station intuitively.
    • Timeline now features four time-sliders corresponding to four different channels for video playback, simply an overview on all your recorded clips making the video navigation a lot easier.
    • Synology Surveillance Web API is now available to the public. System integration with the 3rd party developers or System integrator is now possible and projecting an endless future.
    • Seek mode is now available in Timeline to help you locate the precise time spot on your recorded events, up to seconds.
    • Tally Counter is now introduced in Liveview Analytics and Smart Search. Any moving object crossed the boundary (yellow) line will send out an immediate alert.
    • Virtual Fence is now introduced in Liveview Analytics and Smart Search. Any moving object crossed the virtual (yellow) line will +1 to the linear count.
    • No-Idle Zone is now introduced in Liveview Analytics and Smart Search. Any object stays in the No-Idle zone over the designated period of time will send out an immediate alert.
    • A network time server is now built in Surveillance Station to help you sync all the cameras’ time settings in LAN.
    • Camera Optimization allows you to edit the advanced camera settings right from a single portal, your Surveillance Station. It includes NTP server, video orientation, exposure mode, and OSD overlap.
    • Live View can now be paused and resumed whenever it is needed.
    • Live View layout is now customizable to fit every surveillance situations, especially when you want to monitor an area that is more vertical (9:16) than horizontal (4:3) in shape, like staircases, hallways, etc.
    • Guard is renamed to Patrol and setting it up on the camera is now easier with the innovated user interface.
    • ffmpeg module is now upgraded to 0.9.1 to provide enhanced stability and compatibility with different codecs.
    • More IP camera models from Axis, Vivotek, D-Link and other brands are now supported. View the complete list below.
  22. Video Station (Available in Package Center):
    • Catalogue your movie collection in no time! Video Station can automatically recognize movies and TV shows, automatically filling in all the necessary detail by connecting to an Internet database.
    • Browse all movies/TV shows in your collection starring the same actor, directed by the same producer, or made in the same year in just a few clicks!
    • Store your home made videos on Video Station and keep them organized.
    • Select any folders to be indexed for movies, TV shows and home videos respectively.
    • Easily add videos to your personal favorite and watch list.
    • Watch live stream or recorded TV programs by simply plugging a USB DTV tuner into the Synology NAS. For the supported DVB-T dongles, please refer to the list below.
    • Scheduled TV program recording is available for your convenience.
    • Video Station package requires DSM 4.1, and it is not available on DS109j and DS209j.
  23. Photo Station 5 (Available in Package Center):
    • The new Timeline introduces a fun and convenient way to browse through your photo collections. It is not available on DS109j and DS209j.
    • The timeline bar can be zoomed in and out to scale the right time frame for easy navigation.
    • Photos can be filtered & displayed by people, location & descriptive tags.
    • The face recognition (experimental) feature helps you identify people in the photos automatically.
    • You can make geotags on your photos by selecting a nearby place on Google maps if GPS coordinates is already available.
    • You can make descriptive tags on your photos for your own reminder.
    • IPTC tags are supported and will be displayed on Photo Station.
  24. Audio Station (Available in Package Center):
    • The new Audio Station is redesigned to provide an easy-to-use and elegant user interface.
    • Personal Audio Station is now available, every user can now host their own personal music library while still have access to the shared music folder. (DSM 4.1 required)
    • You can choose to display only your personal music collection or include the public shared music folder.
    • Synchronous playback to multiple Airplay devices is supported, listen to your music anywhere in your house is now possible.
    • Lyrics can now be displayed and edited right from the Audio Station.
    • Transcoding Internet radio is supported on the following DiskStation models: DS212, DS212+, DS212j, RS212, RS812, DS112, DS112+, RS411, DS411, DS411j, DS411slim, DS211+, DS211, DS211j, DS111, DS410j, DS210j, DS110+, DS110j, RS409, DS409, DS209, DS109 and DS409slim.
  25. Download Station (Available in Package Center):
    • Download Station now supports automatically unpack/unzip archives with or without password.
    • A password list for auto unpack/unzip can be kept within the Download Station, or manually add a password when creating a download task.
    • An option to remove the original downloaded zip file after auto unpack/unzip is done.
    • The HTTP-based API of Download Station helps developers build 3rd party applications to control the Download Station remotely.
    • The BT search engines can be updated online right from Download Station.
  26. Thumbnail Creation Speed:
    • Thumbnail creation speed on Synology NAS has been improved with the new algorithm for thumbnail creation.
    • Photos can now be displayed more quickly in Photo Station in DSM 4.1 with the new thumbnail display mechanism.
    • Set the thumbnail quality to be normal to make the thumbnail converting process a lot faster.
  27. iTunes Server (Available in Package Center):
    • iTunes Server now supports transcoding; More audio formats including AAC, AIFF, APE, FLAC, M4A, Apple Lossless, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, PCM, WAV, WMA (excluding WMA lossless) are supported.
  28. Media Server (Available in Package Center):
    • You can add folders from the external drives to be indexed for the media server, and stream multimedia contents to your DLNA TV or player. (DSM 4.1 required)
  29. 9 Web Apps:
    • Mediawiki, Moodle, osTicket, Joomla, Drupal, phpBB, SugarCRM, osCommerece, Magento are now available as packages in Package Center. Install them in Package Center with just one click and build your professional website/service with ease.
    • Magento, Moodle, Drupal are not supported on DS108j、DS109j and DS209j.
  30. Package Center:
    • Beta channel in Package Center is now available for subscription if you would like to try the latest/experimental features.
    • Available packages can now be sorted by name or by popularity.
  31. DS video on iPhone/iPad (Available soon in App Store):
    • Watch videos in supported format (MP4, M4V, MOV) from the Video Station library on iPhone and iPad with DS video.
    • If the video format is not supported on iOS devices, Video Station will do real-time transcode so that the videos can be played on iPad/iPhone. The DiskStation models supporting transcoding includes: DS712+, DS1512+, DS1812+, DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, DS412+, RS812+, RS812RP+, RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, DS3611xs, DS2411+, DS1511+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS810+, RS810RP+, DS1010+ and DS710+.
    • Search for video files by keywords.
    • Easily add videos and movies to your “Favorites” and to your “Watch list.”
    • If you have plugged in a DTV dongle to your DiskStation, you will also be able to view and schedule TV program recording with DS video.
  32. DS download on iPhone (Available soon in App Store):
    • DS download allows you access Download Station remotely from your iPhone; you can view the list of your download tasks and the information of each task, as well as pause, resume or delete tasks.
    • Create download tasks through the in-built browser in DS download, using Safari, or simply by entering URL.
    • Manage settings of the Download Station, including the maximum upload and download speeds for different types. Advanced schedules defined in Download Station can be activated from DS download.
  33. DS file on iPhone/iPad and Android phone/tablet (Available soon in App Store and Play Store):
    • With Cloud Station integration, DS file allows you to sync files with the Cloud Station folder of your DiskStation.
    • Sync files with the Cloud Station folder of your PC/Mac (limited to 10MB per file and to the following formats: doc, ppt, xls, docx, pptx, xlsx, odt, ods, odp, epub, mobi, prc, pdf, txt, html, htm, pages, numbers, key, pages.zip, numbers.zip, key.zip)
  34. DS audio on iPhone/iPad (Available soon in App Store):
    • Assign specific songs to be always available for listening by storing on your iOS devices. When the network connection is not available, you can switch to the offline mode and play the songs you’ve downloaded.
    • Create and edit playlists from “Now playing” list.
    • View lyrics of the song currently being played.
  35. DS audio on Android phone/tablet (Available soon in Play Store):
    • Android tablets and landscape are supported.
    • HTTPS connection is supported on devices with Android 3.1 or later.
    • You can see lyrics display for song being played.
  36. DS photo+ and DS audio on Windows Phone 7 (Available soon in Marketplace):
    • DS photo+ & DS audio are now available on Windows Phone 7.


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